Character Journeys

Character Journeys
February 5 - 29, 2024.

The posters of the 42 Wendt Scholars appear alphabetically below the essay.


Welcome to Character Journeys! The reflections in this gallery represent the work of the Wendt Character Scholars at the University of Dubuque. These select students commit to active participation in a weekly character-focused class and to regular community service throughout the year. They are encouraged to strive to be character leaders to the UD community and beyond. The presentations in this exhibit acknowledge the roots and experiences that shape our character but also recognize that so much more goes into character growth.

With a focus on character virtues of integrity, justice, and compassion, the Wendt Character Initiative aims to help students, faculty, and staff at the University of Dubuque pursue lives of purpose as they strive to become people of excellent moral character:
    • People of integrity whose lives are characterized by truthfulness, honesty and stewardship;
    • People of justice who treat all people fairly, respect diversity, and practice Christian love;
    • People of compassion who live by the Golden Rule in service of others.

We hope Character Journeys depicted here reveal ideas and thoughts, both new and familiar, that challenge you to consider the life events, people, and experiences that have helped you define and explore virtues such as integrity, justice, and compassion on your own character journey.

Heartfelt thanks to Prof. Sheila Sabers for her generous work on the time-consuming process of designing this exhibit and to Noah Bullock for his production work and artful setup. We are grateful to Annalee Ward, Director of the Wendt Center, and to Mary Bryant, Director of Media and Programming for the Wendt Center, for the content of this essay and the show.

Alan Garfield, Director Bisignano Art Gallery

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